Newsreaders 1.0.3
WordPress 4.5+
Theme Instructions
Browser Support
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Introducing Newsreaders
Newsreaders is a clean, unique, responsive, elegant, multi-layout and highly organized WordPress magazine or news theme which is made to be used by online magazines, newspapers, editors, journalists, publishing units, bloggers, informative sites, educational websites, content writers, digital news media and other similar websites. Newsreaders is optmized along with its cross browser compatiblity make your site attractive and eye catching in any browser and different variations of devices screen size. Newsreaders is build taking SEO, speed & content management in mind. Additional features from plugins like Booster Extension as well as like-dislike option on direct connection to your user or reader. Demo : Free – Purchase Checkout Added to cart

Newsreaders Free vs Pro Differences:
Here’s How to Choose the Right One
Are you a non-technical user?
We install and configure the theme for you.
Looking for a fast reliable WordPress Installation Service? We deliver what you need by considering security, best practices, and standards.
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Our theme powers more than 35,000+ active websites. That many people can’t be wrong.

Because we believe that you deserve a WordPress product that is carefully crafted, easy to setup, use and maintain